Solid Word Bible Church Family,
Please volunteer your time and talents for our
Saturday, July 29th, 2023, 9 a.m.!
Join us, along with the team from the ROPHE FREE CLINIC, to make this another awesome experience of resource awareness for the children and families of Pike Township.
Sign up to stay part of the day or ALL day.
Sign Up HERE today!
Meeting for new Volunteers!
Want to make a Difference?
Join our Nursery & Children’s Ministry!
Accepting Adult & Junior Assistants (age 13 years & up)
Information and Training
Sunday, July 30th after church service in Rm B101
Need more info? Contact:
Angie McManus (amcmanus@

Women’s Ministry Bible Study
“The Quest”
An Excursion Toward Intimacy with God
Solid Word Bible Church
Saturdays from 10-12pm, Room B101
Aug 5th
Aug 19th
Aug 26th
Sep 9th
Contact Kennita “Nicki” Arnold for additional information at 317-249-7724
Mini Marriage Retreat
Friday, October 6th, 2023, 6 pm to Saturday, October 7th, 2023, 2 pm
Please see the flyer for further information. For any questions or concerns please contact Tiffany Bussell (317)446-5068

Marriage Workshop
“In Sickness and In Health”
The Solid Covenant Marriage Ministry invites all married couples to attend a marriage workshop on Saturday, July 22, from 10 am – noon.
Our presenter is Elder John McCloud. Married couples do not want to miss this one!
Please email SolidCovenant@ with any questions. Or contact any of the following individuals:
Rodney & Tiffany Bussell
Charles & Carmen Johnson
Lamont & Patrice Stokes
Join Us for “Know What You Believe”
each Sunday at 9:15 AM as we will dive into why the Holy Spirit led the early church leaders to the 66 books we hold as canon or authoritative!
Contact: Elder Marcellus Martin (317-201-4492.)

The following people have answered the call to serve on the Navajo Reservation from October 21-28, 2023.
Please keep the team in prayer.
- Curtis McManus
- Angie McManus
- John Haram
- Jacquie Haram
- Jerome Robinson (Rophe Free Clinic volunteer)
- Donnice Robinson Rophe Free Clinic volunteer)
- Melanie Terrell
- Cynthia Williams
- Dr. Kaye Claytor (Rophe and friend of Solid Word)
- Dr. Latosha Rowley
- Linda Chandler
- Richard Buchanan

When you were marching to hell!
“Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy.” 1 Timothy 1:13
Literally, “I was bemercied.” Christians, why might not you have been in the number of those who persist in sinning? Because God has bemiracled you with mercy!
See what cause you have to admire the stupendous goodness of God, who has wrought a change in you—and checked you in your full career of sin!
Christians, you who are vessels of election—were by nature as wicked as others—but God had compassion on you and plucked you as brands out of the fire! He stopped you in your course of sinning—when you were marching to hell! He turned you back to Him by sincere repentance. Oh, here is the banner
of love displayed over you!
Behold sovereign grace! Let your hearts melt in love to God. Admire His royal bounty. Set the crown of all your praises, upon the head of free grace! “By the
grace of God I am what I am!” 1 Corinthians 15:10
From “The Mischief of Sin” by Thomas Watson, 1671
Will you join us in prayer?
Each Thursday morning at 11:00 am, Elder Jerry Lander leads us in an hour of directed prayer and meditation. We would love to have you pray with us.
Click here to join: SWWeeklyPrayer by Zoom meeting. Or dial in to participate by calling +1 929 205 6099. Meeting ID: 820 7218 9430 Passcode: 116820

Do you have a specific need that you would like us to pray for, or notifications of death? You can send an email to info@
Please pray for:
- Carl Miller
- John Barrow
- Michael Johnson
- The Lasley Family
- LaShanda and Brian Gude
- The Carter Family
- Cameron and Stephanie Johnson
- Khajae Henry
- Twannette Harrington
Church Calendar
- Online Prayer Meeting – Thursdays at 11:00 am via Zoom
- Bible Study – Thursdays at 7:00 pm in person and via Zoom
- Worship Services – Sunday’s at 10:30 in-person and online
If you have an announcement for the newsletter, please send it to info@ by the end of the day Monday for inclusion in the weekly publication.

Preferred Option: Use your bank’s online bill-pay service. Use the same feature used to pay your bills online directly from your bank account. Your bank will mail a check to the church at no cost. When you use this option, the church does not pay a processing fee so that all of your gift is used to support the ministry.
Additional Options:
- Mail your check to: Solid Word Bible Church, 4374 W. 52nd Street, Indianapolis, IN 46254
- Bring your gift directly to the church on Sundays during the 10:30 am service and deposit in the designated box near the sanctuary doors.
- Give online at: SWBCGive
Giving for the week of Jul 2-8, 2023, was $10,004.71.